The Conficker Worm is a nasty piece of malicious software that has "wormed" its way into millions of computers and created a very large botNET which can be activated at any time by the botMASTERS whom could use the infected computers for various malicious purposes; including but not limited to:

  • Sending SPAM

  • Cracking, Hacking Accounts and Passwords

  • Spreading to infect further computers or devices

  • Stealing passwords and banking details

The worm (once inside a network) can spread like wildfire and with access to the internet it is able to spread at an increased rate to infect more computers.

Conficker has various strains of itself which can update and become even more malicious by adding extra "functions" (Programmed Responses) which can cause more damage.

Even if you do not believe it is possible for the Conficker Worm to have infected your computer or network it is always best to be safe and check against the following symtoms.

If your computer is infected with this worm, you may not experience any symptoms, or you may experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Account lockout policies are being tripped.

  • Automatic Updates, Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), Windows Defender, and Error Reporting Services are disabled.

  • Domain controllers respond slowly to client requests.

  • The network is congested.

  • Various security-related Web sites cannot be accessed.

Looking through the above list, do you have any symtoms listed above?

Regardless of whether you have or not; we would like to emphasize that you should scan your computer to be completely sure.

The piece of software which is advised to scan your computer with would be The Microsoft Windows Malicous Software Removal Application.


Microsoft released the Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool to help remove specific prevalent malicious software from computers that are running Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP, or Windows 2000.

After you download the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool, it runs one time to check your computer for inflection by specific prevalent malicious software (including Blaster, Sasser, and Mydoom) and helps remove any infection it finds.

Microsoft releases a new version of the tool every month.

Posted by Tom4u Wednesday, June 23, 2010 2 comments

Rogue antivirus – also known as scareware – is one of the top PC security threats in Canada and proving an effective method for online fraudsters to profit from their exploits, say security experts.

The malware tricks victims into thinking their computer is infected and provides a fake piece of software to fix the problem.

After giving away credit card information and downloading the software, the victim actually is opening up a direct gateway for more malware to be loaded onto the computer and becomes a prime candidate for identity theft. The double-whammy attack is proving effective and becoming more popular among hackers.

Microsoft Corp.'s security products removed scareware programs from 7.8 million computers worldwide during the second half of 2009, an increase of 46.5 per cent from the previous six-month period. That suggests scareware is providing better payoffs to cyber-criminals than other types of malware, according Microsoft Security Intelligence Report Volume 8.

“The biggest threat facing Canadian PCs is fake security software,” says Mohammad Akif, national security and privacy lead with Microsoft Canada Inc. in Missisauga, Ont.


Posted by Tom4u Thursday, May 13, 2010 0 comments

Web computer security firm McAfee blamed fresh changes to a quality control system for the release of a flawed anti-virus update that sabotaged computers worldwide.

"The problem arose during the testing process for this DAT file," McAfee executive vice president of worldwide technical support and customer service Barry McPherson said in an online message late Thursday.

"We recently made a change to our QA (quality assurance) environment that resulted in a faulty DAT making its way out of our test environment and onto customer systems.

The computer software security file sent out as an update Wednesday confused a valid Windows file with a virus, sending machines around the globe into endless reboot cycles.

"To prevent this from happening again, we are implementing additional QA protocols for any releases that directly impact critical system files," McPherson said.

"On behalf of McAfee, I'm very sorry for how you may have been impacted by the faulty DAT file update."

Universities, hospitals and businesses across the United States were among those reporting problems after the update misidentified a valid Windows system file as malicious code and disrupted computers.

The problem hit corporate users of Microsoft's Windows XP Service Pack 3 operating system, according to McAfee, which released another update later in the day to fix the problem and urged customers to download it.

The Internet Storm Center, an initiative of the SANS Technology Institute which monitors problems on the Web, said "the affected systems will enter a reboot loop and lose all network access."

The center said it received reports of "networks with thousands of down machines and organizations who had to shut down for business until this is fixed."

The McAfee software slip "pretty much took Intel down today," said analyst Rob Enderle of Enderle Group in Silicon Valley.

Enderle told of being at the computer chip titan's headquarters in Northern California for an afternoon of meetings when laptop computers began crashing around him.

"McAfee team members have been working around the clock to fix the problem and work with impacted customers," McPherson said.

"We estimate that the majority of the affected systems are back up and running at this time and more systems are coming back online quickly."

McAfee early Thursday released a "SuperDAT Remediation Tool" that could be used to fix the anti-virus problem.

McAfee initially estimated that the incident has impacted less than one half of one percent of its consumer base and business accounts globally.

Santa Clara, California-based McAfee is one of the world's leading providers of anti-virus software and computer security systems.

"I'm a tech and it's been really busy today; been running around like crazy," a person using the screen name 'fatgeek' said in a thank you note at a McAfee online community page.

"I've made quite a lot of cash since you didn't test your DAT file."

Ironically, hackers were taking advantage of the computer security firm's gaff to trick people into visiting websites promising information or fixes but actually delivering malicious software that infects machines.

Posted by Tom4u Friday, April 23, 2010 1 comments

computer repairs
This is one question that asked many people. "Should we get a desktop or laptop?" It’s depending on your requirement. Desktop and Laptop both are same computer.
For and unfortunately, most uses may require the power of a desktop pc. I will list some of the more common uses of a pc and discuss the specs needed.

Office Uses:
Mostly use in office like Microsoft Word, Excel, etc. We also use for mail checking, store data and use like small server. This type of computer have not heavy requirement for extra use. You have able to handle very easy that type of any new desktop or laptop.

Multimedia Applications Uses:

laptops are mostly used for listening to music or watching movies. The only times that it will not be adequate is if you want better components like a much larger and better screen resolution and better sound quality. If you want high resolution viewing, you can connect a laptop to another separate monitor but then you might not be able to go with a higher resolution because of your graphics hardware on the laptop. Also, your sound options are very limited with laptops. All laptops use onboard cards that are adequate for most uses but for the highest sound quality, you will not have it and your external component options are very limited. For desktops, you have a wide range of choices for internal PCI slot upgrades. To sum it up, for high resolution and high definition audio, you may have to go with desktops.

PC Games:
Here I am not talking free in build games in your computer or laptop Solitaire or any other simple game. We are talking about PC Games like Counterstrike, Crysis, Sins of a Solar Empire etc. If you want batter playing of pc games then you have required heavy hardware it will depend on the graphics hardware.

Multimedia Encoding:
If you are looking any video or audio production and encoding, you better go with desktops. You will need lots of hard drive space and most laptops do not have choices for very large drives. You will also need a very good processor and a powerful video card will help too.
The most important are computer installation with Latest OS.

Posted by Tom4u Tuesday, April 13, 2010 0 comments

I will introduce some latest operating system features and what are the features that a particular operating system should have used. Some of these features are a part of all operating systems, while some of them may or may not be available in the computer operating system you are using. So I will give you online computer support 24x7 every time.

Managing Hardware/Software
As already know, it is the operating system that causes the software and hardware in a computer to interact with each other. It is also the platform that causes one software in the computer to communicate with another. Once the computer operating system in a computer loads during the booting up process, other application software’s can be loaded into the computer.

Consistent Application Program Interface
Application Program Interface which software development peoples refer to as APIs allow the applications those run on one computer to run on another computer having the same computer operating system. It is important that the operating system has a consistent API. Undoubtedly, every operating system will have deferent type’s requirements, but it should be enough to support computer hardware’s.

Program Execution
The operating system to execute all the types of computer programs running in it. It is a rather more complicated process. It allows to multitasking and allows different programs to run at the same time and share the many types of computer system resources. Here, it requires allotting RAM space to different computer applications running on the computer. The execution of more than one program may also require the computer operating system to prioritize the operations running on the computer system.

Memory Management
we already defined in the part on program execution, it is up to the computer operating system to provide memory to the different programs running on the computer system. It has to prioritize and allocate memory to each application. Even when data is saved in a secondary storage device, it is the computer operating system that decides how that particular chunk of information should be stored.

Computers need to communicate with each other via networking. A computer without Internet is not even imaginable. It is the task of the computer operating system to provide the required networking features. It allow to you used two or more computers to connect and form a network or connect to the Internet. More on computer networking.

Computer system security that an operating system should provide is undoubtedly one of its most important features. We used passwords setting for logging in, to providing firewall protection; everything comes under the tasks of an operating system. Many network utilities may require printer sharing, file sharing and using TCP/IP protocols. Hence, it becomes very important for the computer operating system to provide proper security so that the computer's security is not compromised in such cases.

Posted by Tom4u Wednesday, April 7, 2010 0 comments

pc health check
From past few days, I was facing several technical issues with my computer like, blue screen error, system slow down, applications taking long time in launching, system crash, etc. I decided to contact iYogi Technical Services for troubleshooting my computer related technical issues, and one of its tech experts resolved my problems in few minutes via remote connection.
Numerous services are offered through online technical support for troubleshooting computers. These services include resolving Internet browsing issues, troubleshooting software and hardware errors, configuration of many applications like Office suite, e-mail, PC optimization, software installation, re-installation and un-installation, Windows upgrade, resolving registry issues, diagnostic and repair services for hardware and software, spyware and virus removal, driver update, etc.
All these services are offered anytime and anywhere. It means you can access online services from any location, provided you have an Internet connection.
Computer troubleshooting via remote connection offers many benefits like cost effectiveness, availability, instant access, etc. In online technical support, a tech expert accesses your PC via remote connection, after getting your permission. Once he gets access on your system, he starts diagnosing it for finding out the possible causes behind the technical issues.
After completion of diagnosing process, tech expert will carry out the necessary steps to root out your technical issues. In this way, process of computer troubleshooting via online support gets completed.
Online technical support offers many benefits as compared to on-site support. In on-site support, you either have to take your system to any service centre, or you have to call any technician at your premises. If you will take your system to any service centre, it would take three to four days in troubleshooting your computer. If you will call any technician at your home, then you have to pay extra for the services.
Therefore, it is wise to go for online tech support to resolve the issues related to computer troubleshooting.

Posted by Tom4u Monday, March 15, 2010 0 comments

windows 7 tips
There may be manual fault or some unavoidable circumstances related with technical issues, when you lost your important home or business files (such as MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, Bkf, Zip), e-mails, photos, music and other rare things.
Although this happens very rarely, but the data once lost can take long time to recover or may be not be recovered at all, so there should be adequate management for data backup to assure that you access important files and folders anytime.
You would be considering me too much obscene, but I have suffered from data lost on my Windows 7 computer recently, that’s why I want to discuss with you about some important data recovery methods for Windows 7 and you must add the data recovery agent.
First I want to tell you about prevention, because it is an old saying that “prevention is better than cure”. As you do Ctrl+S with your word document every time to ensure it is saved regularly, similarly you should make a practice to take data backup of your hard drive memory on an external hard disk or other optical device, which can be used to combat such situations.
Next, when you are trapped under the situation and you don’t left with much of options, then Windows 7 recovery software is a better alternative. Some of the best recovery software available in the market are Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery v4.1, Advance Windows 7 Data Recovery Software and Recover My Files data recovery software.

Windows 7 data recovery software can effectively restore or recover entire data of your hard disk including deleted files emptied from the Windows Recycle Bin, or lost due to the format or corruption of a hard drive, infection with computer viruses, and unexpected system shutdown or software failure. You can also recover your data, which is located in corrupted partition, such asFAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS & NTFS5 of Windows 7 based hard drive. Windows 7 data recovery software are also compatible enough for recovering data from other types of data storage media such as floppy drives, flash drives, USB digital media, pen drive, zip drive, memory stick, multimedia card, secure digital card & many more.
Data recovery is not possible with Windows 7 Recovery tools if it has been physically overwritten by low level disk format. You may face issues while recovering files located on hard disk which is well encrypted.

Posted by Tom4u Thursday, March 11, 2010 0 comments